On April 18, 2016, PresenceLearning changed the tele-therapy game by launching the Lightyear (yes, named after the Toy Story character!) platform, the world leader in real-time, interactive, and hassle free tele-therapy.
I built an app in less than 2 hours, powered by Google Sheets, without a single line of code and into users hands, for FREE! Find out how you can do the same.
I built and trained a machine learning algorithm to predict how many check-ins per day a restaurant can expect to have given various attributes of its online profile.
On April 18, 2016, PresenceLearning changed the tele-therapy game by launching the Lightyear (yes, named after the Toy Story character!) platform, the world leader in real-time, interactive, and hassle free tele-therapy.
I built this app in partnership with my fiance who is a medical resident at UCSF. Residents have variable shifts based schedules and it is often hard to know who is free to hang out at a random hour when you are off work
I built this user generated poetry making application inspired by a blog named depressing fridge poems (instagram and tumblr) which was started by a friend's sibling.
Check out this startup idea generator which algorithmically recommends innovative ideas for your next startup! This generator has over 1000+ startup ideas in its database.
On the job hunt and not sure which companies to go after? This interactive dashboard analyzes which startups/sectors are raising the most money and when!
We know something about what students look like when they arrive; then, we know how they perform in school and their starting salary upon graduation. Could the core team influence these outcomes?